


Have you ever noticed that your eyes look in different directions when thinking about something frustrating? Joyful? Sad? Scary? Take a moment and consider a challenging event.

  • What ideas arise?

  • What feelings are coming up?

  • Where does that feeling show up in your body?

  • Where are you looking?

  • What happens when you look in different directions? Does the body/feeling experience increase? Lessen? Does it change? 

Brainspots are the eye positions that give you more direct access to the emotions/body sensations. Everyone has Brainspots for different memories and emotional states (and corresponding thoughts/beliefs) or various processing experiences. 

Once you find a Brainspot, allow yourself to notice whatever thoughts, feelings, and body sensations appear; the emotional charge will eventually dissipate. Intentionally seeing where our eyes go when we're reflecting on something (vs. accidentally finding ourselves doing so) and dedicating focused attention to it until we fully process that experience is what happens in Brainspotting Therapy.

Brainspotting Therapy involves the therapist creating space for you to process your emotional reactions as they come up in session instead of just talking about them. For example, if you are feeling a knot in your stomach at the thought of giving a presentation, I would first ask you to notice what thoughts, emotions, and body sensations you're feeling at the moment. Then I would prompt you to find a specific Brainspot/eye position where you feel it more directly. Once we find the Brainspot, I will encourage you to direct your full attention to whatever is happening inside you. The Brainspotting process continues until you have fully processed the issue or until the session time comes to an end. Since Brainspotting is a subcortical, deep-brained rapid processing method, you may feel emotionally exhausted afterward (think of each Brainspotting experience as equivalent to 10+ talk therapy sessions!). In the following session, we'll check what emotional residues remain with the topic and continue Brainspotting as needed or desired.

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What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR) is an integrative therapeutic approach that helps release emotions, memories, and feelings from the nervous system. EMDR can be very useful in working with traumas such as natural disasters, combat veterans, sexual assault, incest, rape, physical abuse, car accidents, etc. We refer to these as Big Traumas.

EMDR is also valuable for working with what is often called Little Traumas. Little traumas are situations that were not major traumatic episodes, but they result in a negative belief system and can disrupt the quality of your life. Some examples of little traumas include things like experiencing ridicule for how you look, being humiliated by a parent or caregiver, emotional neglect in childhood, having a parent who is an alcoholic, etc. These little traumas can lead to seeing yourself negatively, which could cause difficulties in relationships and get in your way of success.

EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to aid these stuck emotional memories to unblock them from your nervous system. Bilateral stimulation manipulates your brain's right and left sides through eye movements, tapping, or sound, allowing experiences to resolve. 

Research has shown that EMDR is quick and effective. EMDR is a simple, non-invasive patient-therapist collaboration in which healing can happen effectively. This powerful therapy is very effective for many disorders, including sexual abuse and traumatic incidents, phobias, negative thoughts, anxiety, self-esteem issues, nightmares, phobias, depression, performance anxiety, etc.

For more information, go to:



TRE is a cutting-edge sequence of exercises that help the body to release deeply ingrained patterns of holding and tension. The exercises gently stimulate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. Reported benefits include: less worry and anxiety, reduced symptoms of PTSD, more energy, enhanced relationships, decreased stress at work, improved sleep, decreased conflict in relationships, increased relaxation, decreased back pain, increased flexibility, greater emotional resilience, reduced symptoms of vicarious trauma, healing of old injuries, lessened anxiety surrounding severe illness, and relief from chronic medical conditions. 

For more information, go to:


SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice done individually or in community. Founded by Seena B. Frost, the method develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance.

SoulCollage® meets you wherever you are on this journey called life. You don’t have to be an artist to make SoulCollage® cards. Anyone can create and enjoy this powerful practice.

For more information, go to: